Brexit- Be positive

I spent an evening recently at the Royal Automobile Club in London discussing business in a Post Brexit World with some real big hitters. There were some refreshing messages of confidence and seizing the opportunity and the true inspiration came from one of the legends of UK industry – Lord Digby Jones. His opening statement was about the uncertainty that is everywhere – in the markets, amongst politicians, the media and law makers – fuelling debates on speculation and half-stories.

His advice was simple – ignore the noise and focus on what we’re good at – growth, wealth creation, entrepreneurship and innovation.

We as the great British business people, the entrepreneurs are the people who create the jobs, the wealth that fund the taxes that in turn fund the public sector.

We should never lose sight of what we are good at and when you listen to a respected leader, businessman and public servant speaking with such confidence and vigour it reminds us that this global opportunity Post Brexit is a moment in history that we should seize with true confidence in our own ability to make it a resounding success.




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